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Monday, June 27, 2011

Sunday Night Post....ON MONDAY!

Well here's the thing just didn't have time last night to get a post in.  So I am moving Sunday nights post to now.  I didn't receive anything in the mail today which totally breaks my streak. I had a suspicious feeling that today was going to be the end.    Now for some more in depth interview with Bobby Gene Smith

What is your biggest thrill?
My biggest thrill happened between the Cardinals and Cincinnati when I hit a home run off Art Fowler in my third at bat in the majors.

Who were your favorite players?
My favorite players were a pitcher named Harvey Haddex from Pittsburgh and Harry Storey (Portland Beavers)

What is your favorite play in your career?
My favorite play was my home run in my third at bat in the majors

Who had the most infuence on your career?
During my third year with St. Louis Cardinals organization, I was discouraged with my progress.  I remember a conversation with Bing Devine that helped turn things around for me.  He suggested that I give it my all for one more year and then decide. The next year I hit.370 and drove in 141 runs in 141 games.

"In ending he said "In those days, there were only 16 Major League Baseball teams and I feel fortunate to have enjoyed some success on five of those teams."

Thanks for reading, and on a side note I will be out of town for about a week so there may not be any post don't fret I'll return again soon!

Keep Collecting...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Topps Archives Roy Sievers and Bob Oldis

Another double dip for me today.  I received two cards back in the archive set that I sent along with the 1960 Topps set.  I really like these cards and I think there autographs show up really well on the card.  Here are the pictures.

Remember tomorrow to look for a more in depth interview with Bobby Gene Smith on the Sunday night post.
Keep Collecting...

1960 Topps Day 9

Day nine, the streak has continued again.  Can't believe my luck.  Today I received three cards in the mail.  Two of which did answer my questions.  I am planning on sharing those with you, but please not some of their answers are kind of hard to read. So I am trying to interpret what they meant or what they were saying. Enough chit chat onto the goods.

 What is your favorite memory from your playing days?
Playing 2 games for the Pirates against the Yankees in the World Series and won both games plus the series in 1960

What is your favorite hobby now?
Watching college football

Did you collect baseball cards as a kid?
 What is your favorite memory from your playing days?
Putting on a Major League uniform for 18 years

what is your favorite hobby now?
Going on a ??? Boat

Did you collect baseball cards as a kid?
Yes, had all the old guys. Don't know what happened to them.

Keep Collecting...

Friday, June 24, 2011

Topps Archives Johnny Logan

Another small project I am under taking is the topps archives cards.  These cards were produced in the early 90's basically depicting players from the years that I enjoy collecting.  I have about 30 or 40 of these to send out over the next few months.  Today yielded the first return in this project.  It came in a package deal with the 1960 Topps of Johnny Logan.

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1960 Topps Day 8

Today the streak continued with three more cards back in the mail.I like this little streak that I have going on right now. Here are today's cards and a few of them even answered the questions I sent.

What is your favorite memory from your playing days?
Putting the Uniform on 

What is your favorite hobby now?

Did you collect baseball cards as a kid?

What is your favorite memory from your playing days?
1st Major League Game

What is your favorite hobby now?
Wood Working

Did you collect baseball Cards as a kid?
Only those with gum in the package

 Stay tuned to the Sunday night post with more Q and A with Bobby Gene Smith

Keep Collecting...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

1960 Topps Day 7

Day 7 the streak........continues. Sure enough close call but I received one card in the mail today.  I was quite excited to see it hidden at the bottom of the junk mail.  This card makes number 20 in the 1960 Topps set.  The card I received today was Hal Brown.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

1960 Topps Day 6

Wow I am barley making this post before the day turns over.  Today the streak continued and I received two cards in the mail from the 1960 Topps set.  As always I am happy to get cards in the mail on a daily basis.  Makes every day a treat.  Here is what I got today.  Enjoy!

Keep Collecting...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

1960 Topps Day 5

Today I received one card in the mail.  When I only get one there isn't a whole lot to write about.  Not to jinx myself but I have had a nice little streak of autographed cards coming in since Thursday of last week I believe.  I hope this continues tomorrow.  Here is today's card.

Keep Collecting...

Monday, June 20, 2011

1960 Topps Day 4

Today is day four of the 1960 Topps Project.  Today was another good day in the mail.  I received three cards back today.  Two of them answered my questions as well.  The total of signed 1960 Topps cards is now up to 12.  Alright lets introduce the cards that I got today.

Billy Gardner is the first of the three I received today. He was Baltimore's regular second baseman from 1956 to 1959, and in 1957 he led the AL in doubles and at-bats. He was in Minnesota's original Opening Day lineup, and played briefly later that season for the powerful 1961 Yankees. (Baseball Library)

Hal  Smith was a catcher. He answered my three questions and I would like to share them with you now.

What is your favorite memory from your playing days?
My favorite memory was the first day I walked in to spring training and meeting all my heroes liek Stan Musial, Red Schoendienst, Del Rice, and others. 

What is your favorite hobby now?
Wood working and Golf.
Did you collect baseball cards as a kid?
No, unfortunately!

Hank Foiles was also a catcher.  He also took the time to answer my questions.  Here are his answers.

Whats is your favorite memory from your playing days?
Just being a part of the game.

What is your favorite hobby now? 

Did you collect baseball cards as a kid?

That is all I have for today.  I hope tomorrow will bring a few more in from this set.

Keep Collecting...


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday Night Post

It's now technically Monday morning and I greatly apologize for the late post.  Truth is things are busy, and I just haven't had time until now.

Alright now time for a little history on the 1960 topps set as promised.  There are 572 cards in this set.  It was divided into 7 series when it originally came out.  It is very difficult to get your hands on the higher numbered cards.  They just weren't mass produced as the other cards.  The 1960 Topps baseball card set is one of the more colorful sets ever produced by Topps, and the only time a 2 ½ by 3 ½ horizontal card format was used. After only one year of this format, Topps' management decided it would revert back to its 2 ½ by 3 ½ vertical card size used for the 1959 set. With the exception of a few select sets, the 2 ½ by 3 ½ vertical measurements would be used for all cards from 1961 to the present.This is one reason I really like this set.  Its very unique in the the size dimensions that it was made.  The amount of colors is also very cool in this set.   The colorful fronts of the 1960 cards definitely make this an eye appealing set. There were a total of eight different colors used for the card fronts, blue, red, yellow, orange, light green, light blue, pink, and dark green.

There is some basic information from the 1960's set.  That information comes from Jim Churilla who writes for PSA sports.

 That;s going to be it for tonight's post.

Keep collecting

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fleer Greats of the Game

This set isn't totally lost on me. Today I received another card for this set. This card is number 47 out of 83 that I am trying to get. That puts me at about 53%. There are still several more that are fairly easy to get. I need to start moving on those. Today I got Glenn "Chico" Resch back. He has a nice signature, and I am happy to add this one to my set.

Keep Collecting...

Day 2 1960 Topps Set

So today was day two of starting to receive cards back in the mail. Not a whole lot of time for a long post so just straight to the goods today.

Mr. Hobaugh answered the questions that I sent along with the card. Here are his answers

What is your favorite memory from your playing days?
"Starting opening day in Chicago. First win in Cleveland. Hitting a home run my last at bat.

What is your favorite hobby now?
Teaching baseball to young people.

Did you collect baseball cards as a kid?
Not like you, I wish I had done it your way

In light of this the Sunday Night post will now have a mini biography on Mr. Hobaugh and scratch the College World Series post.

Keep Collecting....

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 1 1960 topps set.

I know I talked about getting back in autographs in my last post a few weeks ago. I promise I really did get started then. I was trying to decide what to focus on exactly. I finally made a decision and then opened up the pocket book. I am working on the 1960 Topps set. When I say working I know I will never complete it, but the challenge for me is trying to get as many signed as possible. I have about 70 to send out over the next few months. There are still more out there that I can get signed money just starts becoming an issue at that point. The good news is over the past few days a couple of cards have trickled in. Its always nice to start getting autographs back in the mailbox again. So here are a few pictures of what I received.
The main reason I love this set is the amount of color. Its a great set, and I hope that if I can't them all signed I would love to just own the complete set for myself. This by far is my favorite topps set of all time.

If your a new reader I hope that you will stay tuned to all the future autographs of this set, and if your an old reader, who has been wondering if I was ever really going to start blogging again well the good news is I am back, and I can't wait to get back into regular posting again.

Next Post??? Well why not bring back the old Sunday Night Post. Topic of discussion? I am going to give you some history of the 1960 topps set, and also good chance I may do a College World Series overview/preview, my thoughts on what I have seen type thing.

Keep collecting...