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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday Night Post

Its Sunday again, another week has passed. I had a pretty busy weekend which really led to me not getting much done autograph wise until tonight. I got some cards ready to go that I want to send out. Most of them are football.

The list goes something like this off the top of my head
Hanner Perea IU commit 2012
Harrison Barnes UNC freshman
Pat Angerer Colts
Mike Pollack Colts
Tajuan Hagler Colts
Ted Larsen Buccaneers
Niko Koutovities Buccaneers (Forgive the spelling)
Zach Miller Raiders.

That is my list as of now. I want to come up with a few more, but that is a project for later tonight. This week may be a slow week in the mail seeing as the cards going out aren't as frequent, but I think it will really pick up here in about a month or so. School is taking up a lot of my time right now, and after school I have a few weeks where I don't have anything going on so it will be nice just to get some cards out.

Well thanks for reading pleasant week to you all.

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